Soul Manifestation

 These facts alone are exciting enough to make an Earthling take notice, but what of the astrological significance? To help us observe this transit from an astrological perspective, I connected with fellow astrologer Alexandria Lettman, an intuitively gifted practitioner and the SoulUnity's resident astrologer, who uses the cosmos to offer guidance on soul healing and ascension. In her practice, Lettman seeks to share the deeper, karmic meanings surrounding global events and collective energy shifts so, I knew she’d be just right for putting this global event into astrological context. Read on for our Soul Manifestation program conversation.Let's begin where so many astrologers seem to end up: The Great Conjunction as a sign that enlightenment and evolution are just around the turbulent river bend. In your opinion, could a meeting of these two cosmic powerhouses really bode so well, or do Jupiter and Saturn have rougher lessons up their sleeves?


I believe it's both! The Great Conjunction is neither a positive nor a negative force. Jupiter is additive energy ruling expansion, good fortune, spirituality, philosophy, and optimism. Whereas Saturn is subtractive energy, ruling karma, tests, limitations, fear, and structure. They balance each other out pretty well. However, when this conjunction unfolds under the archetype of Aquarius, Saturn actually holds greater power over Jupiter as Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius (he is in "domicile," his highest power) meaning his themes/energy will shine brighter. We should expect shifts to the collective consciousness that align us on a better path, but we should not assume that collective ascension or enlightenment is within reach just yet, as this is subject to people being open to ascend at this moment in time. This is a very rose-tinted way of perceiving this energy that doesn't take into account the whole picture.


As a collective, we're shifting from cardinal, Earth energy (Capricorn) to a new, fixed, Air energy (Aquarius). With this will come changes to the structure and formation of our society, a greater sense of community, humanitarianism, modernization, technological, scientific, and medical progressions and, of course, evolution. This all sounds desirable and pretty positive when we don't take into account the themes of Saturn alongside of this. None of this is possible without the discomfort of learning lessons, taking responsibility for our mistakes, and dismantling toxic structures before we can build anew. Saturn brings forth the themes of Karma (inevitable changes and consequences), time (the effects of this conjunction will linger for a while), and limitations (struggles with coming together).If you consciously choose to lean into the healing aspects of the Great Conjunction, use this as an opportunity to align with your higher self, start fresh and put your best foot forward to the world, you will feel as though these energies bode well together. 
